
Green Energy Out of the Blue

Mocean Energy is committed to designing and delivering wave energy converters to provide ocean equipment and the grid with clean, carbon-free, renewable energy.

The ocean remains a tremendous, untapped resource for green energy. Harnessing just one percent of  our global wave power resource would power more than 50 million home and save more than 50 million tonnes of CO2 annually.

Our approach

At Mocean Energy, we have an expert team that combines scientific principles and real-world experience to develop new technologies that can harness the power of waves – and accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon world.

Our approach utilises numerical modelling and optimisation, rapid prototyping and tank testing – allied to hard-won ocean experience – to deliver wave energy machines that produce high levels of power for their size and work in some of the world’s harshest environments.

Already we have secured more than £5 million in funding support from the Scottish and UK governments and the EU. With our prototype – the Blue X  – deployed at sea for testing, we gathered rich data for our two core technologies – the Blue Star and the Blue Horizon.


Blue Star 

Mocean is designing the Blue Star device to provide reliable, affordable, and renewable power for a range of subsea applications – from control systems, to ROVs, to autonomous underwater vehicles.


Blue Horizon 

We are also developing a much larger wave energy converter   – the Blue Horizon – based on the same principles as the Blue Star. Deployed in wave farms offshore, the Blue Horizon will deliver grid-scale power. 


Blue X : prototype testing

With £3.3 million secured from Wave Energy Scotland, we built a prototype model – the  Blue X. Installed off the coast in spring 2021, the Blue X provided tremendous data on machine performance that can be applied to both the Blue Star and the Blue Horizon.
